Real estate whatsapp marketing list agents? Hasn't the internet gotten rid of them yet I hear this question all the time. Most people assume that property portals in India are working towards eliminating agents and facilitating direct interaction between seller and buyer. Though this is partially correct, real estate agents are the biggest customers of these whatsapp marketing list rtals and the portals are doing their bit to facilitate their growth. We interact with agents every day and we see most of them are doing good business. I want to take some time and explain the whatsapp marketing list dynamics behind Indian real estate, the role agents' play and how the role of agents' is going to change in the future.
Note - Throughout this whatsapp marketing list article, I've focused only on the rental and resale market and not gone into sale of new property by builders as the dynamics of that market are radically different. Also, the scope of this article is limited to Indian Real Estate.MakeMyTrip has eliminated travel agents. So why hasn't the same happened to real estate whatsapp marketing list agents?"One needs to understand that ticketing is now a point-and-click industry - travel agents have been replaced by computers. The process of getting information about the journey AND whatsapp marketing list purchasing the tickets can be done on the internet.
Real estate is whatsapp marketing list fundamentally an offline process. Though information aggregation is an important part of it, site visits, negotiations and paperwork all need to be done offline. Even from an owner/sellers perspective, renting whatsapp marketing list out/selling a home isn't as simple as listing it online - the process can stretch for months. This is where real estate agents step in - in guiding customers through the offline part of whatsapp marketing list the transaction, bringing both parties to whatsapp marketing list agree the paper work.