With the Winter week Series 1 on the horizon, FH5 playlist is back with a new series of challenges ready for the players to take on. Completing the playlist will reward the players with Forzathon points. The first challenge delegates the players to look for Solar Panels across the map and here’s how to find them.
Solar Panels Forza Horizon 5 Map Location
Solar panels in Forza Horizon 5 aren't particularly common, and you may be scratching your head over where to go to find 20 of them. Luckily, there is one spot on the map that houses plenty of solar panels that are primed and ready to be smashed through. On the western side of the map just below the motorway in Cordillera, you will find all the Forza Horizon 5 solar panels you need.

To complete the Shocking daily challenge, you need to drive to the solar panel facility and just drive into as many panels as you can as quickly as possible. We recommend choosing a large, off-road car that will allow you to build up decent speed on the dirt track so that you can plough through the solar panels. Something like the Ford Bronco or Warthog – which we reckon is one of the Forza Horizon 5 best cars, especially for free roam activities. There are so many solar panels in this area that this challenge is incredibly difficult to fail. It’s a good idea to drive in a straight line through as many panels as you can and then turn around for another strafing run through more panels.
Or you can create or join a custom Blueprint Event made in Eventlab. This will make it simpler to complete the solar panel challenge in Forza Horizon 5. Here’s how you can find the correct Blueprint Event and quickly locate solar panels to destroy in Forza Horizon 5:
Pause the game, then go to “Creative Hub,” and select “Eventlab,” then “Event Blueprints.”
Tap on the View button on Xbox to initiate a search.
Scroll up to “Title” and type “Solar,” then go down and confirm.
Choose the Event Blueprint with the maximum likes.
Select Solo or Co-op and any car to begin the Event.
Instead of all this hassle, you can also type in a custom Event code (423 189 237 is an excellent choice for this challenge) to enter a specific Blueprint quickly.
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